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Clem Escano
Aug 05, 2022
How To Make Two Groups in Conflict Work Together content media
Clem Escano
Feb 24, 2022
In General Discussion
Have you found yourself behaving out of your comfort zone? What made you do it? Normally we behave according to our nature. When we try to behave in a certain way which is not natural to us, we would feel uncomfortable or uneasy. Like if you are shy and you are asked to speak before a crowd. Or if you are naturally spontaneous, and you are asked to keep to a routine. Nobody wants to do something which would be uncomfortable (not natural) and so it needs a motivation to behave out of our comfort zone. One reason could be that you are facing a problem or an issue (conflict with staff, losing a client) as a result of your (natural) behavior. You therefore feel compelled to behave in a way even though it makes us uncomfortable in order to resolve the situation. This change of behavior is a reaction. What you are doing is damage control. Another (smarter) way to be motivated to behave out of your comfort zone is from having self-awareness. By understanding your “self”, you become aware that certain behavior of yours could create problems and hinder you from being more effective or excellent in what you are doing. Like the self-aware IFC coach who knows that he naturally likes to argue and so would consciously adopt another persona of someone with patience when he is coaching. His behaving out of his comfort zone is pro-active! Issues and problems are avoided. Effectiveness as a coach is strengthened. Be pro-active in knowing what behavior natural to you are not helping you and where you need to behave out of your comfort zone. For a clear and comprehensive understanding of who you are and a deep awareness of how you would behave in various situations or when interacting with people, know your Reiss Motivation Profile. #reissmotivationprofile #selfawareness #behavingoutofcomfortzone
Clem Escano
Jan 24, 2022
In General Discussion
People who leave their jobs because they find no meaning in what they are doing could save themselves time and effort if they had known who they are. They would have known what they would be doing will not be meaningful and therefore not sustainable. When what people are doing satisfy their human needs which motivate them to do what they do, they will feel happy and fulfilled. Every day they look forward to do their jobs which they won’t describe as work. One excellent way to know who you are is to get your Reiss Motivation Profile®️to know and understand what your needs, values and motives. It will be very clear what is it that you do which would make you or not make you happy and fulfilled.
Clem Escano
Jan 21, 2022
In General Discussion
Does your work require you to understand people? For people to understand themselves? A psychological assessment is usually used for self-discovery or to understand other people. Most assessments available tell you who you are by drawing from the personality or behavioral or theme type your profile is classified under. Be aware these can give you only limited understanding because they use a narrow range of personality traits, or assume that behavioral types explains individuality. Others, because of how they are constructed, do not allow comparison with other individuals. Only an assessment which gives a comprehensive profile can enable you to have the best knowledge and understanding of people. The REISS MOTIVATION PROFILE®️ (RMP), a scientifically-constructed assessment based on needs, values and motives, gives a comprehensive understanding of who you are, the values which explains why you do what you do and empower you to predict how you would behave in various situations or when interacting with other people. The RMP allows you to know important values which other assessments cannot show such as self-confidence, loyalty, honesty, kindness, materialism, frugality, attention-seeking, and risk taking. If you need to understand people or for people to understand themselves, for maximum value, use an assessment which gives you a comprehensive profile of an individual.
Clem Escano
Jan 03, 2022
In General Discussion
Is one of your resolutions in the New Year to be better at what you are doing? The most impactful way to improve yourself is by being self-aware of who you are, understand why you do what you do and be conscious of your blind spots, if any, which would hinder you from being more effective or successful. The best way to achieve self-awareness is through your Reiss Motivation Profile. Aside from being scientifically constructed and validated, only the RMP can give you a comprehensive understanding of the values in human nature which drive your behavior. Only the RMP can give you measures on self-confidence, loyalty, honesty, materialism, attention-seeking, and risk taking. The RMP is used not only to achieve self-awareness but also to help professionals such as coaches, consultants, HR and trainers to perform their work more efficiently and effectively. To use the RMP in your work, you need to be a certified Reiss Profile Master. We conduct the Reiss Profile Master Certification Program in a regular basis online. if you plan to make just one investment in this New Year, investing to be a certified a Reiss Profile Master Would be the best investment.
Clem Escano
Jan 03, 2022
In General Discussion
Wishing everyone good health, happiness and success in 2022! Happy New Year! 🎉🥂🙏
Clem Escano
Aug 11, 2021
In General Discussion
When it involves people, lack of knowledge and awareness of one’s motives and values can lead to poor decision making. Over and over again. You would do something which promises great rewards but make you stressed and unhappy. One would choose a career just because his parents suggested it. You would make a wrong hire as you hire based on impressions. Or employ a toxic manager because the candidate was impressive in the interview. You would put someone unsuitable to a certain job. All these lead to unhappiness, ineffectiveness, failures. These are avoidable if you acquire knowledge and awareness using Science of Motivation. The comprehensive understanding of one’s human nature from motivational intelligence will empower you to make informed, intelligent, correct and right decisions. There is no reason why one would make a wrong decision simply because of a lack of knowledge or awareness of one’s personality.
Clem Escano
Jun 16, 2021
In General Discussion
Executives become more effective leaders when they attain Self-Awareness especially if it is developed using Motivational Intelligence from Reiss Motivation Profile
The More You Know of Yourself, the Better You Can Be content media

Clem Escano

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